Hello everybody!

The little ones have become painters this week, and like every artist, we've prepared an exhibition of their artwork in the town! Early in the morning we show them the Bubble painting technique. Then, we all have painted a mural with our hands, stickers... their imagination has been turned on!

Finally, they go out and show their parents, grandparents, or strangers what they had done! We have finished the topic of this week with this activity, because tomorrow we are going to play water games:))

Our little artists have been great!



Kaixo guzitioi!!

Aste honetan margolari bihurtu dira gure txikiak, eta artista oro bezala haien artelanen erakusketa prestatu dugu herrian! Goizean "Bubble painting" teknika erakutsi diegu, izugarri ondo aritu dira. Ondoren, denon artean mural bat margotu dugu eskuekin, gometxekin... imajinazioa martxan jarri dute!

Azkenean, kalera atera eta haien guraso, aiton-amon edota ezezagunei erakutsi dizkiete egindako lanak!! Aste honetako gaiari horrela eman diogu amaiera, bihar ur jolasak egingo baititugu:))

Bikain ibili dira gure artistatxoak!!!