Thursday, june 30 GROUP A

Hello, everybody!

On Thursday of the first week, as the group A was following the seasons theme, we talked about the festivities that are held in each one. We made a painting of our favorite holidays, and then we saw two festivities: the carnivals and Easter.

For carnival we all made masks and put on a costume, after that, to celebrate the Easter week, we each painted an egg and then hid it, so that we could find it in groups. When the game was over, there was a surprise waiting in the room... Chocolate eggs! We ate them and even had time to paint our faces!

See you next time!


Kaixo denoi!

Lehenengo asteko ostegunean, A taldeak, urtaroen gaia jarraituz bakoitzean ospatzen diren jaiez hitz egin genuen. Bakoitzak bere opor gustukoen marrazki bat egin eta gero bi jai nabarmendu genituen: Iñauteriak eta Pazko-astea.

Iñauterien barnean bakoitzak maskara bat egin eta mozorrotu egin ginen, honen jarraian Pazko-astea ospatzeko bakoitzak arrautza bat margotu eta taldeka ezkutatu zituzten, ostera aurkitu ahal izateko. Jolasa amaitzean, gelan sorpresa bat zuten zain... Txokolatezko arrautzatxoak!! Gustura jan eta aurpegiak margotzeko denbora ere heman zigun!

hurrengora arte!